A diode laser. Also, a continuous wave laser.
A diode laser. Also, a solid state laser.
A diode laser. Also, a high efficiency laser, comparing to other types of laser.
It's a semi-conductor laser
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No, a diode laser and an Nd:YAG laser are two different types of lasers. A diode laser uses a diode as the laser medium and is commonly used for various applications such as hair removal and skin treatments. On the other hand, an Nd:YAG laser uses neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet as the laser medium and is often used for medical and cosmetic procedures, as well as in industrial applications.
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construction and working of semiconductor laser
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Most likely not. Laser diode drivers have to maintain a certain injection current for stimulated emission. Materials and structures used for red lasers are well refined and are efficient. Blue laser diodes are relatively new to the field and require higher current densities to maintain threshold, simply because the materials needed to emit blue light are difficult to work with (GaN). So, my guess is NO.
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A laser diode module is useful when a small laser with lower power usage is needed. The diode is used in a multitude of fields, including life science, industrial, and scientific instrumentation.
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One can purchase laser diode modules on select places around the Hong Kong. OPELUS is the best place to purchase laser diode Modules, Infrared Laser Module, Green Laser Module etc.
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This would depend on the diode's specifications but it would be very unlikely because blue laser diodes require less voltage and current then green lasers.
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There are many locations to learn about Diode Laser Hair Removal including eHow and Medic8. The website Laser Hair Revolution is dedicated to Laser Hair Removal treatments. Local centres that provide laser hair removal should also have information on Diode Laser Hair Removal and other services that they offer.
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yes, just look it up on youtube, there will be instructional videos! good luck!
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One can purchase laser diode modules online at retailers such as OPELUS, Thorlabs, DHgate, Newport and Edmund Optics. One can also buy laser diode modules through online shopping sites, including eBay and Amazon.
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Most of the Casio projectors use a 445nm laser diode that is rated at 1 watt. The projectors have the diodes running at 600mw for life.
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None, LASER diodes are solid state semiconductor devices.
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LASER diodes operate at either infrared or visible wavelengths, depending on its construction.
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"nanometer" or billionths of a meter.
650 nanometers is the wavelength of the light produced by the diode.
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2.he-ne laser
3.co2 laser
4.semi condector laser(homo,hetrojunction)
5.diode laser
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its weak and pointless. buy a snow globe and mod it into a laser here:
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A: By applying to a laser diode pulse of current enough energy to emit photons at a certain frequency.
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Electron-hole recombination
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It is a barrier-injection transit-time, a high frequency - semi - structural element of micro-electronics, as the diode is one of the electronic components.
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Adam Ild Rohweder's birth name is Adam Ild Schjtt Rohweder.
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There are several types of laser hair removal procedures. A person can choose laser treatments like Ultimate Light, also known as pulsating light, Diode laser, Alexandrite laser or Ruby laser.
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i think in order to population inversion in depletion region. also the laser diodes must be degenerated.
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The answer is pretty much "No." You can increase the power slightly, but if you go much beyond what it's designed for you'll burn out the laser diode.
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Semiconductor lasers are made with laser diodes, with added circuitry to measure and regulate the diode current/output.
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The diode laser module is more effective at reducing power consumption in machines because it has the lowest possible pump photon energy. It is made by pumping a solid gain medium such as a ruby.
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There are actually multiple laser types used to remove hair. They are, pulsed light laser, diode laser, ND: Yag laer, alexandrite laser, and ruby laser. Here's a site that has information on each type: http://www.laserhairremovalreview.com/
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This type of smoke detector is more sensitive. It uses a laser diode in the sensor instead of an LED which allows it to be much more sensitive.
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That depends on the diode, however I will talk about a very basic one. Simple version: One side is called the anode, the other is the cathode. Current only flows from the anode to toward the cathode. It is blocked from traveling in the other direction. Less simple version: I am including this since you asked about the parts "in" a diode and not the parts "of" a diode. Diodes are semiconductor devices and are constructed with two pieces of semiconductor material (silicon, germanium, etc), one of which has been designed with extra electrons in it (cathode side) and one with extra spots for electrons to occupy (anode side) . Remember current flowing in one direction means electrons are traveling in the opposite direction. Now, if you apply enough positive voltage to the cathode, current will flow to the anode, but it will damage the diode if it is not designed to handle it. Some diodes are even designed to be used this way (look up zener diodes). To really understand the physics of what is happening in these materials, you need some knowledge of quantum mechanics (not joking) but that is beyond this question. Hope you got what you needed.
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Gas,solid state,diode
The first laser was a solid state laser. Solid state refers to any solid material like a glass rod. Diode lasers are very common because they are used to read compact disks and digital video disks in computers, CD players, and DVD players. Before diode lasers, the most common type of laser may have been the helium-neon laser, in which the active medium is a combination of the two gasses helium and neon.
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Usually, there is a laser diode that is optically coupled to the fiber.
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All real components have both parasitic capacitance and parasitic inductance.
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LEDs are not LASERs and cannot LASE. If you want a small LASER, spend the money for a real LASER Diode. They are relatively cheap these days.
There is a small chance that a large number of bright LEDs might be usable as a pump for a dye laser. Try researching that. Still I'm sure a COTS LASER Diode would be easier and cheaper.
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You can't. Most of the mods you find online won't work or will only work for a couple seconds before your laser diode burns out. If you want a laser that will really cut through things, I would recommend finding a tutorial for building one with a DVD burner diode.
If you want to learn more about lasers and building them, I would recommend laserpointerforums.com.
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A laser compact is a portable device that emits a concentrated beam of light through the use of a laser diode. It is commonly used for various applications such as pointing, leveling, or measuring distances. Laser compacts are small in size and easy to carry around.
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The duration of Der brænder en ild is 1.73 hours.
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